Delhi Administration Doctor's Welfare Association

Main Topic > DACP Scheme of MOHFW for CHS

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Posted By Dr Naresh Goel
Posted On 28-05-2013
Comments What is latest development in the case as it was noted that we are not group a service? My lawyer friend can take the issue further
Posted On 14-11-2011
Comments What is the current status of CMO(NFSG) Doctors denied of SAG promotion as per DACP due to Below Bench Mark ACRs and later upgraded but not given the SAG promotion.
Posted By Shyam Sarkar
Posted On 14-04-2011
Comments Dear Sir,

This is for your kind in formation that there  are some  unlucky doctors  in National Institute of Homeopathy Kolkata and they are  deprived for 25 years of sincere service in Health Care delivary System . I am requesting you  to help them for Dynamic ACP There is no Promotional avenue for them.This is an autonomous
organisation under the Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and F.W., Govt. of India.

Yours truely.
Shyam Sarkar.
Posted By arun
Posted On 25-11-2010
Comments It will be appreciable that this site be updated on daily basis so that more and more no. of service doctors will read them. It will be more useful if it contain various orders and circulars pertaining to the doctors as of conveyance, LTC, conference, news papers etc. And also the discussion pertaining to there implementation and the common mistakes or objections put by the administrations and their solutions. The individuals can give their own personal experience and problems faced by them so that every body can get benefit by that. THIS CAN BE DONE IN SEPARATE CATEGORY. It has been seen that many a times most of them are unaware of these. It will enhance the readership also.
Posted By arun
Posted On 25-11-2010
Comments Since most of the CHS doctors working in Delhi have opted for the DHS where there is no provision of HAG. How will the recent development affect them? Will they ever be get this benefit ?
Posted By arun
Posted On 25-11-2010
Comments Sir, I wrote some time back that instead of categorising the comments into different categories, all the comments should be posted in only one categories which should be arranged date wise as all the comments are important to all. Otherwise one more category can be added i.e.'GENERAL' where all the views are present date wise. there should be no editing of comments till it is declared as "abuse" by the readers in which case it should be read by the moderator and then only should it be published otherwise be deleted. Let this forum act as member's notice board where the members can express their views freely.
Posted By Dr.Ramanath Sabat
Posted On 18-11-2010
Comments Thanks to DADWA & JACSDO for their continuous effort for bringing up CHS cadre doctors at par  with the elite IAS at least in scales; However a few pending things has need to be sorted out i.e. to promote 392 below benchmark CHS docters & to make a common designation loke CMO (SAG), consultant, directors etc. or better for all the CHS Officers promoted to SAG level. If anybody holds some specific charge, they can be designated accordingly like Addl. Director/Sr.Regional Director etc. 
Posted By Ramesh Mathur
Posted On 17-11-2010

I have just now seen the order passed by Hon'ble CAT on 11-11-10 in OA No. 1169 filed by JACSDO.

DADWA deserves applause for following up this important case on its website and keeping the members informed about important developments.

If one goes by the track record of MOHFW for past few years one can assume that the Govt. will not be willing to give the benefits easily. In fact the DOPT and MOHFW have colluded to deny the benefits of promotions to CHS doctors. I request all CHS doctors and their associations not to stop and rest but ensure that the benefits due to the doctors accrue to them. This has to be taken care of legally or else the Govt. can keep on dragging us to court for next 10 years.


Posted By dr. Sumita Ghosh
Posted On 02-11-2010
Comments Will someone please throw light on how to fix pay on SAG promotion as per the recent and weird promotion order of MOHFW dated 22-10-2010?
Posted By Rajender Kumar
Posted On 23-10-2010

Sir, you are covering DACP benefits as per 6th PC  in your message board for quite some time. What is it and how does it benefit a young doctor like me? What is SAG and HAG? Kindly explain for benefit of youngsters like me.

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